UrEc Information Sara Borgström

Researcher in Urban Ecology | Consultant in Environmental Communication | Nature Guide




Sara Borgström

PhD in Systems Ecology
MSc in Biology
BSc in Geography

PhD thesis: Urban shades of green. Current patterns and future prospects of nature conservation in urban landscapes.


Spring 2012

March 14th I will participate in a dialogue on the Stockholm sustainable future back-to-back with the Earth debates on Green cities - Green economy in London invited by Global Focus. View the Earth debate here!

February 8th, new publication "The future role of protected areas in urban landscapes" is published in ANL Laufener Spezialbeiträge 2011.

February I start my new post-doc position at Stockholm Resilience Centre within the EkoKlim project involving several departments at Stockholm University and adressing social-ecological dynamics and climate change in the Mälaren catchment area.

December I worked for KemI summarising the development of and current discussion on the concept of ecosystem services.

Current research projects:

More News here!

Picture of Month

There are white Liverleafs (Hepatica nobilis),
Rösjön, Stockholm, Sweden. Photo: Sara Borgström.

UrEc Information

My own Company since 2007: UrEc Information

performs environmental information in the broadest sense, for example seminars, guided tours and writing.

Nature guide / Naturguide

Explores the green Stockholm
Next tour:
Not scheduled . More info here